We know that animal testing is outdated, ineffective and causes immense suffering. We know modern, more accurate and effective methods exist for drug and cosmetics companies to test their products. So why is the Food and Drug Administration calling for outdated and inhumane animal testing for sunscreen ingredients?
This is a huge step backward for animal welfare. Requiring companies to conduct new animal tests for sunscreen ingredients that have been used for decades could condemn thousands of helpless animals to painful tests! We’re counting on supporters like you to take action now and tell the FDA to stop this new testing plan in its tracks. Please send your message now!

This new plan is worse than you think, friend. Here’s why: The sunscreen ingredients in question were approved for use in consumer products decades ago and have already undergone substantial animal testing. There is also an immense amount of real-world data available on the safety and efficacy of these ingredients. Requiring new animal tests be conducted will not only cause senseless suffering for animals, it could even harm humans in the process, because cruelty-free brands that use these ingredients and refuse to allow new animal testing could see their products pulled from the shelves. If FDA insists that additional information is needed, testing methods that use sophisticated technologies instead of relying on animals are much more effective at determining their safety for human use.
We must send a strong message to the FDA that new animal testing requirements for sunscreen ingredients are harmful, backward and completely unacceptable. There’s not a moment to waste: Tell the FDA to reject new animal testing requirements for sunscreen!
Thank you for taking action,