The Pentagon is seeking billions of dollars from Congress in the next COVID relief stimulus package. Why? To protect the mega-profits of weapons dealers and military contractors.

Yes. That’s right. As we lose tens of thousands of loved ones here, and hundreds of thousands around the world, to COVID-19 — the Pentagon wants even more money on top of the $750 billion+ it already spends every year on immoral, counterproductive, murderous, environmentally destructive wars and war preparations.

We say enough! That’s why World BEYOND War and 61 of our partners are demanding the Congress not give the Pentagon a penny more in the next coronavirus relief package.

Will you ask your members of Congress to demand we bail out the people, not the Pentagon and weapons dealers in the next coronavirus relief package? Click here.

We don’t need more nukes, militarized borders, armies, or drones — because war doesn’t keep anyone safe. It endangers us and our natural environment while diverting funds from where they are needed.

We need more masks, nurses, ventilators, stimulus checks for unemployed, poor, and undocumented people, Black communities and communities of color, and healthcare and housing for all — because that is what keeps us all safe.

Congress has to bail out the people, not the Pentagon and its arm dealer friends. Tell Congress here!

This was true before coronavirus. But it’s flat-out undeniably and starkly blatant today, as our family members and neighbours die, and struggle to put food on the table or keep a roof overhead.

The thing is, the Pentagon and Trump’s White House don’t get to decide whether the Pentagon gets billions more. Congress does. And that's why we are throwing down to create a wave of public pressure and a storm in the media, and move as many members of Congress to get congressional leadership to reprioritize funding in the next stimulus package, and beyond.

Will you demand that your members of Congress do everything they can to block the Pentagon and weapons dealers bailout today?

After signing the petition, please forward this email to your friends.

World BEYOND War is a global network of volunteers, activists, and allied organizations advocating for the abolition of the very institution of war. Our success is driven by a people-powered movement – support our work for a culture of peace.

World BEYOND War 513 E Main St #1484 Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA

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