We wanted to let you know where our numbers are. Right now, we’re ONLY $12,108 behind on our monthly fundraising goal. We WILL make up the shortfall, but only if we get some immediate help from supporters like you.
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We wanted to let you know where our numbers are.

Right now, we’re ONLY $12,108 behind on our monthly fundraising goal, We WILL make up the shortfall, but only if we get some immediate help from supporters like you. 
RUSH IN $250 >>>
RUSH IN $100 >>>
RUSH IN $50>>>
RUSH IN $25>>>

Minnesota is a key battleground state in delivering another victory for President Trump in 2020 and defending the Republican Senate Majority. That’s why it’s so important to help Trump-endorsed candidates like Jason Lewis win our seat back in the US Senate - and to do that, we need to make sure we don’t fall behind on critical fundraising goals.

A contribution of any size — even just $5! — makes the difference between having the resources to fight back against Chuck Schumer’s fundraising machine and losing all of our momentum to FLIP MINNESOTA RED.

Can we count on you to do your part?

-GOP Finance Updates-

Paid for by Jason Lewis for Senate

Jason Lewis for Senate
PO Box 4515
St. Paul, MN 55104

This message reflects the opinions and representations of Jason Lewis for Senate. You are receiving this email because you signed up as a member of Jason Lewis for Senate's online community. 

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