Paid for by Mikie Sherrill

Hi team, this is Eugene Vindman.

Recently, Donald Trump went out of his way to disparage and dishonor the men and women who earned the Medal of Honor.

He said “The Presidential Medal of Freedom… It’s the equivalent of the Congressional Medal of Honor — it’s actually much better because everyone who gets the Congressional Medal, they’re soldiers. They’re either in very bad shape because they’ve been hit so many times by bullets or they’re dead.”

Trump has just said that the billionaire donor who he awarded with the Presidential Medal of Freedom is more deserving of an award than those in uniform who risk their lives to fight for our freedom.

This is offensive. The Medal of Honor is a recognition of valor, sacrifice, and dedication to our country.

Trump has once again blatantly disrespected veterans and active service members who have risked their lives for our country. Simply put: Trump doesn’t respect veterans and their sacrifice, and as someone who served in uniform for 25 years, I am outraged.

We must do everything we can to defeat Trump and his MAGA cronies this November. He is not fit to be Commander in Chief, and it is up to you and me to stop him.

Please, if you agree, split a $10 contribution between Mikie Sherrill and my campaign for Congress today. Every dollar will be put to work immediately to help us win in November.

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Thank you. I will never stop defending veterans and active members who have devoted their lives to our country.

Eugene Vindman