Dear John,
The unlawful arrest of six members of our team has shaken us to the core! While we have never been afraid to raise our voices in defence of your values, we always do so in peaceful and legal ways.
In this topsy-turvy world, many have found our bus campaigns controversial, whether it’s pointing out simple biological facts about the differences between men and women or, in this instance, asking for Christians to be respected, but our aims are always in line with democracy.
We want those in power making decisions on your behalf to realise that they are ultimately accountable to you. Whether high-ranking politicians, government officials, unelected bureaucrats or CEOs of global corporations, we want them to be aware that we, the public who pay their wages, can see what they are doing, and we will not put up with it!
We are not like the crazy activists on the left who break laws with impunity leaving a trail of devastation and destruction in their wake. You will never see CitizenGO pulling stunts like sabotaging priceless works of art or threatening public order with vulgar displays of nudity and profanity.
Everything we do is carefully planned for maximum impact but always within the bounds of the law.
This is precisely why what happened to our team in Paris was so shocking. Nobody could have expected it.
There is a deep irony that the French authorities responded to our simple message, Stop attacks on Christians, with yet another attack on Christians!
As our campaigners needed some time to recover after their traumatic experience, we’ve only now been able to put together some new footage showing exactly what happened.
One look at Sebastian’s face reveals how exhausted he was following a gruelling night in police custody, but as he bravely says, ‘We will stay strong, motivated and united, we will not be broken.’ Watch What Really Happened in Paris:
 If you do not have access to FB, click here to see Sebastian’s testimony on YouTube.
Thanks to your support, we were able to make your voices heard, so much so that the French government was desperate to close us down.
As you know, this is not the end of the matter. We will be taking legal action against both the organisers of the disgraceful Opening Ceremony and also against those responsible for subjecting our team to such a terrifying ordeal.
The authorities must learn that there will be real-life consequences for attempting to chip away at our freedoms; we cannot allow them to get away with such state overreach.
As I know from my own experience, being arrested is a terrifying, humiliating and degrading ordeal. What has happened to my colleagues has left all of us at CitizenGO with a very heavy heart, because with leftist authoritarian governments, such as my own in the United Kingdom, coming to power, it is likely that we will face yet more persecution of this nature in the future.
If they can come for us over a harmless message in defence of Christianity, then they will also undoubtedly attempt to come for us over the defence of the unborn and the defence of your personal freedoms.
As Sebastian has said, we will not allow this to break us and we will continue to take your voice directly to the heart of power.
Our buses are our ‘calling card’ or ‘trademark’; they are a powerful tool and one that we will continue to employ whenever and wherever the need arises in order to get our message through.
I want to reassure you that while our team will never deliberately seek out arrest, we are all now aware that this could be the cost of defending yours and my freedom and values in the public square.
Like we did in Paris we will always ensure that everything we do is 100% above board and legal. It is an honour to be your voice. We are very aware of the trust that you put in us each and every day and we will not ever let you down.
Thank you for standing with us, Caroline, Ignacio, Antonio, Elias, Miriam, Marissy and all of the team at CitizenGO P.S. If being arrested is going to be the ‘new normal’ for us, we will need to ensure that our campaigners have access to all the resources they need should they find themselves unjustly thrown into prison. You can contribute to our fighting fund here. |