Dear John,
Things are moving fast in government negotiations and it can be hard to keep up. Don't worry, that's what we are here for! Join us on another webinar this Thursday 29th at 5pm where we'll be joined by esteemed climate scientist John Sweeney and our policy expert Sadhbh O'Neill to break down what's going on.
I'll join the webinar.
The news is full of the need of 7% emissions reduction target. What does that actually mean though? Sadhbh and John will take us through the science behind this number, how it's calculated, whether it's good enough, where it comes from, what it means for climate campaigning and more. They'll also be ready to answer any questions you have.
I want to know more! I'll join the webinar!
I'll share the event with my friends.
Over the last few weeks, we have made hundreds of calls to our TDs together (we even got on RTE news!).
The pressure is working, never before have we seen such ambitious climate policy proposals coming from all parties. This is a chance to sit back, listen in and skill up so that when we get in touch with politicians again, we are ready.
I as always, hope that you and yours are safe,
See you on Thursday!
In the shelter of each other people survive
Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine
Activism Support Co-ordinator
P.S Today Fianna Fail and Fine Gael wrote that, "it does not make sense to build new large-scale fossil fuel infrastructure such as liquid natural gas import terminals". This is huge! There's work to do to make sure they follow through but for now, thank you to all the people across the country who have taken action on Shannon LNG over the last few years - in particular the grassroots groups who have fought every day. When we work together and enough of us demand it, we make change happen.
P.P.S. Join our webinar on Thursday as we break down whats happening now with government formation and climate policy. What does 7% really mean? We'd love to see you there.