This is the cold, hard truth. The Democratic National Convention is this week, and the Left is going to raise millions. Aside from gaining a boost in momentum, Hollywood elites and liberal insiders have deep pockets, and they're ready to give every last penny they have to make our country a Socialist State!
Friend, we have to fight back. Because I'm one of the Democrats' top targets this November, a pile of the money they raise this week is going to fund my radical opponent, Christina Bohannan. If I lose, Republicans lose the House. We're $2,321 away from our fundraising goal, and it's getting worse by the second.
This week, the Democrats, led by Kamala Harris, will reveal their communist agenda to the country. Their donors will love it, and Christina Bohannan will fall right in line.
It's up to you to help us beat these Leftists. In 2020, I only won by 6 votes, and it took over a month to certify the election results. We can't let it be that close again.
Kamala's America will be disastrous not just for us but for generations to come. And Christina Bohannan has pledged to be her loyal sidekick. I need help from people like you if we are going to win this election.
I'm only asking because the future of our country is at stake.
Friend, will you chip in $10, $15, $20, or whatever you can to make sure we win big in November?
Your support will be the difference between winning and losing. Will you join me today?
God Bless,
Congresswoman Miller-Meeks
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