Dear John,
You’re receiving this email because you’re a valued member of our 'Abe-Team’—committed to defending democracy, one click and action at a time!
As a dedicated democracy defender, you’ve surely heard of Project 2025, the MAGA movement’s authoritarian plan to roll back nearly 250 years’ worth of American democratic tradition and hard-won civil rights. That, among other reasons, is why this election is the most important one of our lifetimes—democracy is literally on the line, and we need you to help make sure it’s still here another 250 years from now!
Fortunately, our task is straightforward: we need to make sure that our fellow citizens know what’s at stake and that they show up to vote in November. To that end, our allies at Swing Left will be hosting virtual postcard-writing (and possibly text banking) parties every Sunday from now through the end of September to make sure voters are aware of the threat to our freedoms posed by Project 2025.