They need us now because children need them
4,632 more supporters needed by TOMORROW.

Friend, health workers like Dr. Uzezi Emuophedaro in Nigeria need us more than ever — because children need them more than ever.

As a medical practitioner in one of the biggest hospitals in Nigeria, she knew the country's large population, high levels of poverty and most importantly, the shortage of healthcare workers and supplies would make her job very hard. But those challenges don't deter her, in fact, she is more committed than ever to give children a fighting chance. Fight alongside her with a DOUBLED gift today!

Despite shortages in their own protective equipment, doctors like Dr. Emuophedaro won't stop until every child is safe. They are out in vulnerable communities, building handwashing stations, treating the sick and fighting coronavirus however they can.

We need 4,632 people to chip in today to help health workers stay safe and save lives. Will you be one of them, Friend? Every donation made before tomorrow will be MATCHED, sending 2X more support and supplies to our fight to protect children.

Give $75 >> $150 will be sent

Give $100 >> $200 will be sent

Give $150 >> $300 will be sent

Give Monthly Instead >>

Friend, as scary as COVID-19 has been here at home, imagine what it's like in refugee camps or in overcrowded slums around the world. Health workers are giving all they have to protect these communities, and with you at our side, we won't stop until they have what they need to fight this pandemic.

So will you chip in and send them protective masks, gloves, handwashing supplies and whatever else they need, Friend?

Please make one of the 4,632 contributions that we need to support health workers and save lives.

Thanks for being a hero,

For every child. Please donate.
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