Also: Berger, Calabria talk forbearance impact on CUs; Kraninger supports expedited FCC ruling amid coronavirus

The News You Need Daily

April 29, 2020

NAFCU advocates for PPP improvements
While the Small Business Administration (SBA) reopened the application process for the paycheck protection program (PPP) this week, credit unions and other lenders are continuing to experience issues that are delaying their ability to get funds to small businesses in need. NAFCU is working closely with the SBA and Treasury Department to ensure credit unions' concerns are quickly addressed and yesterday sent a letter urging improvements be made to the E-Tran system used to submit loan applications.

Berger, Calabria talk forbearances, GSE fees
NAFCU President and CEO Dan Berger spoke with Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) Director Dr. Mark Calabria Tuesday about the agency's efforts to support mortgage borrowers impacted by the coronavirus and to provide relief to credit unions and other mortgage servicers.

CFPB backs NAFCU call for expedited FCC ruling
CFPB Director Kathy Kraninger Monday sent a letter to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai urging the FCC to expedite its declaratory ruling to allow financial institutions to contact consumers on matters related to the coronavirus pandemic during the national emergency.

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Town Hall: NAFCU, CU leaders to offer insights into coronavirus response
As the credit union industry works through challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic, NAFCU is offering a complimentary webinar next week where credit union industry leaders – including NAFCU President and CEO Dan Berger, Arkansas Federal Credit Union President and CEO Rodney Showmar, and Tower Federal Credit Union President and CEO Rick Stafford – will share insights into crisis responses, business continuity planning, and financial sustainability.

5K FIs sued over PPP agent fees
A new class action lawsuit claims lenders are not paying fees to agents who helped borrowers secure loans through the Small Business Administration's paycheck protection program (PPP). The SBA's interim final rule implementing the PPP stipulates that "[a]gent fees will be paid by the lender out of the fees the lender receives from SBA."

NAFCU details NCUA PPP rules in new alert to CUs
Earlier this month, the NCUA Board approved an interim final rule to make conforming amendments to capital adequacy rules consistent with the CARES Act. Under the rule, paycheck protection program loans will receive a zero percent risk weighting under the NCUA's risk-based net worth requirement. NAFCU outlines what credit unions should know regarding the rule in a new Final Regulation Alert.

SIF Committee to receive NCUA update on CLF changes
NAFCU's Share Insurance Fund (SIF) Committee meets today and members will hear directly from NCUA Central Liquidity Facility (CLF) President Owen Cole about the agency's interim final rule to facilitate access to the CLF. The NCUA issued the interim final rule earlier this month to provide relief in response to the coronavirus pandemic and to implement provisions under the CARES Act.

NAFCU Board election ballots sent today; Schlehuber, DeWitt reelected to board
The official ballots for voting in NAFCU's 2020 board election are being sent to members today. The deadline for returning the ballots is May 13.

NAFCU Town Hall — Industry Leaders Weigh Plans for Financial Sustainability
In this webinar, top executives evaluate and plan for business continuity and financial sustainability. Program underwritten by NAFCU Services Corporation.

Survey Analysis: CU Response to the New Normal
Tune in for this Q&A-style interview summary on the impacts of COVID-19 to date and the areas where it could reshape the future of credit unions.

How Will the CARES Act Affect Your Members' Retirement Savings?
Complimentary Live Webinar
Comments Due to NAFCU: National Credit Union Administration - Corporate Credit Unions
Important Regulatory Date
THE CARES Act — What It Means for Your Credit Union's Retirement Plan
Complimentary Live Webinar
Fair Lending Fundamentals in Today's Information-Based World
NAFCU Town Hall — Industry Leaders Weigh Plans for Financial Sustainability
Complimentary Live Webinar



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