Technology and evasive entrepreneurialism are the best at getting around regulation. High-inflation forecasts are greatly exaggerated
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April 29, 2020
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Evading Bad Regulations During a Pandemic ([link removed] )
Lawmakers should find a way to accommodate a little more outside‐the‐box thinking and innovating—and not just when our lives are on the line.
- Evasive Entrepreneurialism and Technological Civil Disobedience in the Midst of a Pandemic ([link removed] )
By Adam D. Theirer
Economic Graph 1 ([link removed] )
High-Inflation Forecasts Are Exaggerated ([link removed] )
Let’s face it: despite a quadrupling of the size of Fed’s balance sheet by 2015, and persistently low interest rates, Krugman was right, and the inflation mongers were wrong.
- Return of the Inflation Mongers ([link removed] )
By George Selgin
40 Years of the U.S. Department of Education: Examining Its Past, Present, and Future ([link removed] )
April 29, 30 and May 1 • 1:00PM-2:00PM • LIVE ONLINE
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In this special three‐episode webinar marking the DOE’s 40th birthday, we’ll examine its past, present, and future. Why was the DOE, for which there is no clear constitutional warrant, established? What has it accomplished—or maybe damaged—in its four decades? What should be done with it moving forward, including, perhaps, bringing it to an end? We will discuss all of this and more today, tomorrow, and Friday at 1:00PM (EDT).
During the event, submit questions on Twitter using #CatoCEF, Facebook Live, or in the comment box on the event page.
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