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** Your daily media briefing - Wednesday 29 April
In the Media <[link removed]> is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news <[link removed]> and opinion <[link removed]> and listen to our podcasts <[link removed]> on our website.
** Secularism in the media
* Coronavirus pandemic expected to derail efforts to end FGM and child marriage <[link removed]>
Disruption linked to the pandemic could mean many more girls are cut or married in childhood, according to new data that paints a bleak picture of life for women over the next decade.
The Guardian
* US panel on religious freedom urges targeted sanctions on India <[link removed]>
A US government commission has criticised India for failing to protect religious minorities and called for sanctions on government officials responsible for violating religious freedoms enshrined in its constitution.
* Archbishop of Canterbury to take part in official VE Day celebrations <[link removed]>
Justin Welby will record a reflection and moment of prayer as part of the national commemoration of the 75th anniversary of VE Day next Friday.
* Tunisia becomes first Muslim-majority country to recognise same-sex marriage <[link removed]>
A same-sex marriage which was formalised in France has reportedly been legally accepted as valid in Tunisia, a first for a Muslim-majority nation. Homosexuality is illegal in Tunisia.
LGBTQ Nation
* Mayor of New York accused of singling out Jewish community after criticising large gathering <[link removed]>
Bill De Blasio personally showed up at an Orthodox Jewish funeral on Tuesday night and threatened mourners with arrest for ignoring social distancing rules. His response on Twitter has sparked an angry reaction from some Jewish groups.
* ‘Blaming Muslims for the virus is playing with fire’ <[link removed]>
India's Hindu nationalist government is stoking anti-Muslim sentiment during the coronavirus crisis.
New Humanist
* Actor Alan Cumming speaks out against circumcision <[link removed]>
The Hollywood star and bestselling author has described male circumcision as "genital mutilation" and said religious grounds for it are "ridiculous".
The Guardian
* Irish secular weddings due to overtake Catholic <[link removed]>
Irish newlyweds are getting older and less religious every year. Almost as many couples chose non-religious ceremonies as Catholic ones last year, according to new figures from the Central Statistics Office.
The Times (£)
** Latest from the NSS
* Why respect religious demands to keep pupils in the dark? <[link removed]>
After a select committee chair urged more leeway for a faith school which has long censored textbooks, Stephen Evans says politicians with responsibility for education should stop pandering to religious interests.
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