Electing More Pro-Family, Pro-Life, America First Conservatives!
Friday, August 23, 2024
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary Bauer
Below is my analysis of the final night of the Democrat National Convention. But here’s the main takeaway: If these people win, we’re done.
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Queen Kamala
The Democrat National Convention, otherwise known as “hell week,” is over. The Chicago coronation of Kamala Harris, who didn’t get a single primary vote, is over. It’s her party – the Democrat bosses decided that, not the voters. Now the 2024 campaign begins in earnest.
I watched Harris’s address last night, so you didn’t have to. Today, I want to analyze some of the comments she made and how deceptive and seductive they are. It’s the kind of rhetoric that can really impact voters who don’t pay much attention to politics and the issues.
- Harris used language Democrats have deployed at every convention for decades. She said that it’s time to “move past the bitterness, cynicism, and divisive battles” and “to chart a new way forward . . . as Americans.” I know a lot of people really want that to be true. But what she said has zero meaning, and it’s also a lie.
- She pledged to be “a president of all the people.” Well, every president, the moment they take the oath of office, is the president of all the people. But I must remind you that when Donald Trump took the oath, many Harris voters were quick to say, “He’s not my president.” Some rioted during his inauguration.
- Harris says we need to come together. That’s nothing but rhetoric. It is impossible to come together when there are such differences on fundamental issues from economics to faith, family, and freedom. It would be like calling for unity in 1859 when the debate was whether one man could own another man. What’s the compromise there? It was an irreconcilable difference. But we don’t have just one irreconcilable difference. We have many, because of Harris and her party.
- The Democrat Party is always trying to divide us by race. It’s the biggest card they play, and they play it all the time. Democrats told us that Mitt Romney was going to put black Americans “back in chains.” They said John McCain was the second coming of George Wallace. George W. Bush was responsible for the death of a black man. Their first thought every morning is how to keep us at each other’s throats.
- Millions of parents want to decide when their child is exposed to explicit sexual material. The LGBTQ movement demands that it start as soon as they can get their hands on them. The Biden/Harris administration has made it clear they are not interested in compromise. They have used every power they have to force parents to kneel before the LGBTQ movement. They want our children. When it comes to policy, Harris will be the president only of the LGBTQ left.
- Is the human race divided between men and women? Or are there dozens of genders? Are we going to teach our children that men can get pregnant? Are we going to start stocking tampons in boys’ bathrooms? How do you compromise with this insanity? Either there are two genders or everything that we have always known throughout history and everything that the science of biology tells us is wrong. When it comes to policy, Harris will be the president of only the sick people at war with reality.
- America is built on the belief in free speech and religious liberty. That means you can go to your place of worship and run your life and business consistent with your faith. It means you are free to express your opinions. Democrats want to control what you say, even to the extent of censoring the truth. They want to force you to follow their dictates in every situation. And if you don’t, they will use the power of government to shut down our churches, shut down our businesses, and silence pastors in their pulpits. When it comes to policy, Harris will be the president only of radical secularists.
- On the sanctity of life, I know many people are not satisfied with the idea of letting states decide. I want every child to be to be welcomed into the world and protected by the law. That said, what we have right now may be the best we can get for now. But last night, Harris made it clear that she wants taxpayer-funded abortion on demand forced on every state. On policy, Harris will not be the president of pro-life Americans. When it comes to policy, she will be the president only of the extreme pro-abortion movement. And she will use the iron fist of Big Government to crush anyone who disagrees with that radical agenda.
- Millions of Americans believe Israel is the most natural ally we have. Our history with modern Israel is a long one that we often write about in this report. But a growing number of people in America literally want Israel wiped off the map. Harris is trying to get support from both sides. But as we saw on our college campuses, there is no doubt about where the growing progressive base of her party stands. If Benjamin Netanyahu could speak freely, most Americans would be shocked to know how much Biden and Harris have tried to tie him in knots to appease radical Islamists in places like Dearborn, Michigan.
- A final point to underscore everything above: The hyped promise of a “special guest” (Beyonce or Taylor Swift) at the convention last night turned out to be a total lie. It was contrived to boost ratings. They lie all the time.
Kennedy Endorses Trump
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who comes from America’s most iconic Democrat political family, just suspended his presidential campaign and endorsed Donald Trump for president.
He gave a blistering speech that could have been written and given by Donald Trump. In fact, it has been given by Trump many times.
It is absolutely clear that Kennedy and Trump see eye-to-eye on the “existential issues,” as Kennedy called them – the undermining of our democracy in the name of saving democracy, the weaponization of government, and the growing threat to free speech from the left’s censorship industrial complex.
In a somewhat odd statement, Kennedy said he would remain on the ballot in states that are safe for either Harris or Trump but would take his name off the ballot in the critical swing states. He said he didn’t want to be a spoiler and hand the election to Harris.
How this impacts the race remains to be seen. But one recent analysis found that 50% of the people backing third-party candidates (mostly Kennedy voters) would shift to Trump, while 25% would go with Harris. That’s a major advantage for Trump.
I noted recently that some pollsters are questioning the methodology and sampling of the Big Media polls that seem to favor Harris. Well, let’s assume those polls are accurate. It’s still bad news for Harris.
At this point in the 2016 race, Hillary Clinton led Donald Trump in the polls by 5.5 points.
At this point in the 2020 race, Joe Biden led Donald Trump by 7.8 points.
Trump won in 2016 and narrowly lost in 2020.
The polling clearly underestimates Trump’s strength.
And right now, Harris’s lead over Trump is just 1.5 points, which suggests Trump is probably up 3 to 5 points.
Good News
- Harley-Davidson drops the woke radical left-wing agenda after customer backlash.
- The University of Kentucky and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln are closing their offices of “diversity, inclusion, and equity,” saving taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars in the process.
- Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose launched an effort to purge non-citizens from the voter rolls and to prosecute non-citizens who did vote.
- Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton executed search warrants in three counties, including Bexar (San Antonio), as part of an ongoing election integrity probe.
