Did you happen to catch my friend and Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear’s speech at the DNC this week?

The majority of Americans support access to safe, legal, and un-stigmatized abortion care, plain and simple.
And as for Kentucky? Well, Governor Beshear put reproductive rights right at the center of his re-election campaign last year, and he defeated an anti-choice extremist by a wide margin.
We have an opportunity this November to restore Roe, and to both expand and protect reproductive freedom in this country — but only if we retake the House.
The math is simple, John: Each blue seat we lose is an additional red seat we need to flip, so it’s critical in the fight for abortion rights that we keep KY-03 blue.
Will you chip in $10 or $25 right now to help defend KY-03 to give Democrats our best possible chance at flipping the House? Abortion access — and so much more — is on the line, and I need your help to make sure we’re in the best position to move our country forward.
Thank you,
Morgan McGarvey
