Dear fellow American,
Time magazine published a story featuring the headline, “The Free Market is Dead: What Will Replace It?”
This is, of course, an exaggeration, but it makes clear the far-Left’s goal—nothing less than a transformation of the world economy based on a rejection of economist Adam Smith’s “invisible hand.”
As the author writes, “We are on the cusp of a new era of broad-based prosperity in which our leaders are poised to more actively manage the American market.”
Today’s advocates of a “managed market” may call it by a new name—“The Great Reset”—but it is premised on an old and harmful idea.
What utopian ideologies like this one have in common is a misplaced faith in the rule of so-called experts and a corresponding disregard for the people’s right to rule themselves. Taken to their logical conclusion, such ideologies can end only in tyranny.
The great British statesman Winston Churchill knew this, which led him to observe, “Nothing would be more fatal than for the government of states to get into the hands of the experts. Expert knowledge is limited knowledge: and the unlimited ignorance of the plain man who knows only what hurts is a safer guide, than any vigorous direction of a specialised character.”
In the fight to preserve our freedom, our greatest asset is education. Americans who understand our country’s founding principles and have a firm grasp of history are best prepared to resist the lure of utopian schemes.
That’s why Hillsdale College has selected you to participate in our FREE MARKET SURVEY.
Your answers will help us understand more clearly the views of mainstream Americans—not the so-called experts—concerning the importance of the free market system in our nation.
Please begin your survey below. Your answers will remain strictly confidential.
Thank you for your time and attention—and for your support of liberty.
Warm regards,
Larry P. Arnn
President, Hillsdale College
Pursuing Truth and Defending Liberty Since 1844
Hillsdale College National Survey on the Free Market and Economic Liberty
1. Do you believe that the Constitution made it possible for America to become the freest and most prosperous nation in history?