From VDARE Foundation <[email protected]>
Subject BULLETIN: New Video! Faith Goldy's "Globalism vs. Nationalism, The Post-Coronavirus World Order" etc. (65 items)
Date April 28, 2020 11:33 PM
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Faith Goldy: Globalism vs. Nationalism-The Post Coronavirus World
Policy Clashes Yet Another Indication U.S. States Are Too Big
; etc.
(65 items, 04/28/2020)


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win a variety of thank you gifts (including the highly prized 

**HAND SANITIZER pen!**) by becoming a recurring monthly donor! CLICK


Meanwhile, PayPal is not the only defendant! Our 

**top-read** article this week is, The Sin of SULLIVAN: Why Donald
Trump, Tulsi Gabbard and I are Suing For Libel
. is suing NYT for $5 million. Instapundit commented "I would
have added a zero to the claim."


**second**: His Name Is Patric Phillips: After Answering His Front
Door, White Male Murdered By Three Blacks (One On Parole For Prior Gun

**Third** up (for a second appearance in the top five!): It's
Official! Young White Leftist Females Are Nuts
It's something the unfortunate witnesses of this outburst
 at Trump's inauguration
knew deep down, but now Lance Welton presents the evidence.

Ann Coulter claims 

**fourth** with: Media Lies About China And Trump-Who Needs To STOP
Chinese Job Theft, Birth Tourism
What happened to the Trump who said, "We can't continue to allow
China to rape our country"?

Steve Sailer occupies 

**fifth** with: James Heckman Calls Out Raj Chetty Over "Zip Code Is
Destiny" Magic Dirt Theory
"It is politically incorrect to express the truth and go to the source
of problems."

Featured Articles

**Monday April 27, 2020**Author Allan Wall

SAID IN SPANISH: (5 ITEMS) WuFlu Still Slow To Hit Mexico; Shutdown
Doesn't Slow Mexican Violence; Drug Cartel Robin Hoods; Mexican
Doctors, Nurses Keep Getting Assaulted In Street; ETC.

**Monday April 27, 2020**Author Faith Goldy

Faith Goldy: Globalism vs. Nationalism-The Post Coronavirus World

**Sunday April 26, 2020**Author Hank Johnson

Coronavirus Policy Clashes Yet Another Indication That U.S. States Are
Too Big

**Saturday April 25, 2020**Author James Kirkpatrick

GOP Plans To Scapegoat China. But That Must Include ENDING CHINESE

**Friday April 24, 2020**Author John Derbyshire

John Derbyshire: "Lifeboat Ethics" Dilemma Will Be Posed By WuFlu-Driven
African Exodus

**Thursday April 23, 2020**Author Lance Welton

UK Race Czar Trevor Phillips Calls For Covid-19 Race Data-May Have
Found Why UK Muslims Less Impacted

**Wednesday April 22, 2020**Author Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter: Media Lies About China And Trump-Who Needs To STOP
Chinese Job Theft, Birth Tourism

**Wednesday April 22, 2020**Author Virginia Dare

Social Distancing With Peter Brimelow and Diana West-Premiers TONIGHT
At 9:30PM EST.

**Tuesday April 21, 2020**Author Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin: Piercing Illusion of Trump's 'Immigration Ban'

**Tuesday April 21, 2020**Author Peter Brimelow

Trump Has Put An Immigration Moratorium "In Play." Not Enough-But


Blog Posts

**Tuesday April 28, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

Raj Chetty and David Brooks Are Confused by Compton

**Monday April 27, 2020**Author James Fulford

Immigration Study "Dehumanizes" Murder Victims, Rape Victims, Gun
Owners, And Majority Of Americans

**Monday April 27, 2020**Author James Fulford

This Day In History 2015: Yes, BALTIMORE SUN, There Is A
"Baltimore Riot." And The Answer (Again) Is Ruthless Coercion

**Monday April 27, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

James Heckman Calls Out Raj Chetty Over "Zip Code Is Destiny" Magic Dirt

**Monday April 27, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

Chicago Mayor Rips Florida Beach Opening, Can't Or Won't Stop Massive
Black House Parties In Chicago

**Monday April 27, 2020**Author Paul Kersey

Ethnomasochism Personified: White Female Oxford Professor Hopes White
Male Scientists Don't Find Vaccine to Coronavirus

**Monday April 27, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

Handshakes Down Through History

**Monday April 27, 2020**Author Paul Kersey

Coronavirus Pandemic, Stay-At-Home Orders Can't Stop Black Violence In
St. Louis-ALL Homicides In 2020 Have A Black Suspect

**Monday April 27, 2020**Author Virginia Dare

Social Distancing With Peter Brimelow And Colin Flaherty This Wednesday
At 3 p.m. EST

**Monday April 27, 2020**Author Lydia Brimelow

Stick It To PayPal! Become A Monthly Donor!

**Sunday April 26, 2020**Author John Derbyshire

Anarcho-Tyranny In The UK: Arrested For "Pubs Closed, Borders Open" Sign

**Sunday April 26, 2020**Author John Derbyshire

Trump Appoints Normal Judges, Washington State Appoints Disabled Black
Lesbian From Trinidad

**Sunday April 26, 2020**Author James Fulford

Three Africans Arrested In Utah For Defrauding 30 Homeless Whites

**Sunday April 26, 2020**Author Jack Dalton

Italy Suffered From Coronavirus Because Cheap Labor Made It A Colony Of

**Saturday April 25, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

Should Schools Reopen if Kids Really Aren't Very Infectious?

**Saturday April 25, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

Miami-Dade: 6% Infection Rate, 0.17% Infection Fatality Rate (So Far)

**Saturday April 25, 2020**Author Paul Kersey

His Name Is Logan Allen Stacks: In Deep South, Two Black Males Murder
17-Year-Old White Teenager

**Friday April 24, 2020**Author James Fulford

Peter Brimelow's Call In ALIEN NATION For An Immigration Moratorium-25
Years Ago!

**Friday April 24, 2020**Author James Fulford

Enoch Powell And The Deep State (Possibly The Old SOVIET Deep State!)

**Friday April 24, 2020**Author Allan Wall

ARE Mexicans Immune? Coronavirus Death Count Passes 1K

**Friday April 24, 2020**Author James Fulford

This Day In History, 2013: Magnificent Ann Coulter Column On
LEGAL Immigration And Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome

**Friday April 24, 2020**Author Paul Kersey

The Great Replacement In New York City: From 98% White In 1910 To 32%

**Friday April 24, 2020**Author Paul Kersey

The Great Replacement in Birmingham: from 61% White in 1910 to 23% White

**Thursday April 23, 2020**Author Paul Kersey

Black Doctors Claiming "Genocide", Saying White Doctors Will "Let Blacks
Die"-Despite Elderly Whites Being Real "Hardest Hit"

**Thursday April 23, 2020**Author John Derbyshire

From The Email Bag: Confederate Flags, Kizzmekia, And Fleet Street, Etc

**Thursday April 23, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

21% of NYC Grocery Shoppers Have Antibodies

**Thursday April 23, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

Q. What Is Best in Life? A. That Which Is Most Likely to Spread

**Thursday April 23, 2020**Author James Fulford

Peter Brimelow Appearing on Scott Greer's Podcast "Highly Respected"
At 5 p.m. EST

**Thursday April 23, 2020**Author Anonymous Attorney

Arlington, VA Using Covid-19 As Racial Handout Excuse

**Thursday April 23, 2020**Author Anonymous Attorney

Minnesota's Keep-Blacks-Together Child Welfare Law Might Be A Good Idea
For All Races

**Wednesday April 22, 2020**Author James Kirkpatrick

This Day In History, 2017: On Sam Francis And Another Fake
Hate Crime

**Wednesday April 22, 2020**Author John Derbyshire

Radio Derb Transcript Up For April 17: Obama Endorses Joe, Corona
Numbers, De-Globalizing America, N-Word Watch, And Stephen Lawrence Day,

**Wednesday April 22, 2020**Author Paul Kersey

His Name Is Patric Phillips: After Answering His Front Door, White Male
Murdered By Three Blacks (One On Parole For Prior Gun Charge)

**Wednesday April 22, 2020**Author Virginia Dare

Social Distancing With Peter Brimelow and Diana West-Premiers TONIGHT

**Tuesday April 21, 2020**Author John Derbyshire

Saint Stephen Lawrence Day In The UK-Feast Day Of A (Rare) Black
Victim Of White Crime

**Tuesday April 21, 2020**Author John Derbyshire

Feast Day Of St. Stephen Lawrence Also Lenin's 150th Birthday

**Tuesday April 21, 2020**Author Paul Kersey

National Media Blackout: Three Whites (Including White Married Couple)
Murdered By Black Male In Killing Spree In East Alabama

**Tuesday April 21, 2020**Author Linda Thom

Covid-19 Deaths: Non-Hispanic Whites, Not Minorities, "Hardest
Hit"-According To CDC Death Certificates

**Tuesday April 21, 2020**Author Paul Kersey

WRAL (Raleigh, NC), Scripps Media And HOUSTON CHRONICLE Stop Publishing
Mugshots Because They're "Reinforcing Or Creating Stereotypes"...Too
Many Non-White Faces

**Tuesday April 21, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

USC Antibody Test of 863 Representative People in L.A. County Finds 4.1%
Infected, Far from Herd Immunity

**Tuesday April 21, 2020**Author Thomas Martel

This Day In History, 2015: Five Flakes: The Treasonous GOP
Senators Voting For Lynch-And Amnesty

**Tuesday April 21, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

China Virus Survival Tip: Buy a Pulse Oximeter

**Tuesday April 21, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

A Covid Tracing Case Study from a Chinese Restaurant

**Tuesday April 21, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

NYT On Trump Moratorium: But Think Of The Economy!

**Tuesday April 21, 2020**Author John Derbyshire

Can Trump's "Temporary" Moratorium Be As Permanent As Temporary
Protected Status?



**Tuesday April 28, 2020**Author Reader

A PA Reader Asks If A "New Holland Man" Accused Of Child-Molesting Is An
ILLEGAL Immigrant, We Insist It Doesn't Matter

**Sunday April 26, 2020**Author Reader

An Australian Reader Says Refugee Whiners Are Complaining About
Literally Four-Star Hotel Accommodations

**Saturday April 25, 2020**Author Reader

A Pennsylvania Reader Reports Hispanic Triumphalism In Coronavirus And
Immigration-Impacted Hazleton, PA

**Thursday April 23, 2020**Author Reader

A Patriot Lawyer Says Trump's Moratorium Order Needs To Be
Full-Strength, Not Watered-Down

**Tuesday April 21, 2020**Author Reader

A Reader Listens To Jonah Goldberg Talk Purges,, And The
"Civil Rights" Movement


Vdare TV

**Monday April 27, 2020**Author VDARE TV

Globalism vs. Nationalism: The Post Coronavirus World Order

**Wednesday April 22, 2020**Author VDARE TV

"Social Distancing with Peter Brimelow": An Interview with Diana West


Radio Derb

**Friday April 24, 2020**Author John Derbyshire

Moratorium Fiasco, Glimmers Of Light, Lifeboat Ethics, And Judicial
Diversity, Etc


Syndicated Columns

**Monday April 27, 2020**Author Patrick J. Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: Up For A New Cold War-with China?

**Thursday April 23, 2020**Author Patrick J. Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: Big Government-The One Certain Victor In The
Pandemic War


Author James Kirkpatrick

Conservatism Inc.: The Battle for the American Right
Lawrence Auster

Our Borders, Ourselves: America in the Age of Multiculturalism
Peter Brimelow

Alien Nation: Common Sense About America's Immigration Disaster
Michelle Malkin

Open Borders Inc.


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print journal featuring the best material from our webzine


Past Bulletins

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