
Our communities are full of bright leaders, ready to put in the necessary work to make a difference in our state. I talk a lot about the need to build a Democratic movement to bring change to Iowa. That includes my friend Rosanne Plante.

Rosanne is a lawyer, former college professor, a tireless advocate for various charitable causes, and a candidate for the Iowa House in District 13. Needless to say, her experience and commitment to our community make her a valuable addition to our growing movement.

We need leaders who are ready to fight for our rights and community, and I know that Rosanne is exactly that kind of leader. Can you split a donation between Rosanne's campaign and mine to keep growing our movement, John?

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We've got a long road ahead of us to build the change we want to see in Iowa, but I am inspired and motivated by the dedication of supporters like you. None of this is possible without you. So please, split a donation between Rosanne Plante's campaign and our campaign to elect more leaders who are Standing Tall for All.

Stand Tall for All,


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