April 28, 2020
Save on virtual Age+Action Conference
In the age of COVID-19, we're committed to making the Age+Action Virtual Conference accessible and affordable for professionals like you. That's why we've added an extra day to the conference AND reduced the registration fee by $100!
Register now
Basic healthy aging practices are important during the pandemic, too
Even though there is a lot of emphasis on COVID-19 right now, overall health is just as important as any other time. The better older adults can control their chronic conditions, the better they'll be able to fight the virus if they get it. Consider the following tips for managing chronic conditions during this time and after.
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Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) and COVID-19: An interview with experts
There is widespread controversy over the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19. Two experts discuss the drug and the effects of increased demand for it on people living with lupus. Many thanks to our friends at the Lupus Foundation of America for lending their knowledge to the conversation.
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Coming up...
In case you missed it...
- The alarming inequities of COVID-19: As America and the world continue to confront COVID-19, every day brings new data—sometimes alarming and sometimes hopeful—about the coronavirus.