Book Talk – Foreign Agents: How American Lobbyists and Lawmakers Threaten Democracy Around the World

Foreign agents have played a pivotal role in shaping American foreign policy since its founding, earning a small fortune peddling influence for foreign regimes to American audiences. Despite a heightened focus in recent years, the U.S. has failed to reckon with the legacy and impact of the foreign lobbying industry—which now expands well past lobbying shops and public relations firms to nonprofits, law firms, think tanks, and beyond. To discuss the ongoing legacy of the foreign influence industry in America, Ben Freeman, director of the Democratizing Foreign Policy program at the Quincy Institute, will interview Casey Michel, author of the new book Foreign Agents: How American Lobbyists and Lawmakers Threaten Democracy Around the World.

August 2024

12:00 PM ET
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Join us for a timely and important discussion with:

Casey Michel

Casey Michel is an author, journalist, and director of the Combating Kleptocracy Program with the Human Rights Foundation. He is the author of American Kleptocracy: How the U.S. Created the World’s Greatest Money Laundering Scheme in History, named by The Economist as one of the "best books to read to understand financial crime".

Ben Freeman (Moderator)

Ben Freeman is Director of the Democratizing Foreign Policy program at the Quincy Institute. He investigates money in politics, defense spending, and foreign influence in America. He is the author of The Foreign Policy Auction, which was the first book to systematically analyze the foreign influence industry in the United States.


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