This week has been a lot. Mercury is in retrograde, everything is squaring everything and the DNC has been nothing short of a carnival ride. Reconciling feelings of immense hope with heartbreak and healthy skepticism has been a real mind fuck.
And while I feel energized by the political possibility of this moment, I fear that the All-American urge to prop up a single politician and expect them to save us is not going to get us where we need to go.
For centuries, institutions have tried to convince us that we have no power - that we must settle for the status quo and accept the reality we are living in. But author Kazu Haga reminds us that we have to “cut through the delusion that we are powerless” and realize that together we have the power to change our conditions.
Organizing is how we take care of each other and shape the future that we all deserve. It creates the conditions where more people have the power to resist and create systems that take care of everyone. It is the unofficial fourth branch of our government, “we the people” that exercise our collective political power to influence a politics of wellbeing that takes care of everyone.