Facebook's biased misinformation policy (Read more) Protect the Investigation

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Here’s an interesting one,


Last month, Facebook removed a video shared by Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, citing it violated their policy about misinformation. The post made unverified claims about an antimalarial drug that could cure coronavirus.


So why is Donald Trump allowed to make the very same claims during his press conferences shared on Facebook?


Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been known to look the other way when it comes to false or misleading information on his platform. He’s insisted that Facebook users, not companies or governments, should decide fact from fiction -- except when he decides Facebook should weigh in, like with Bolsonaro’s blatant misinformation, but not Trump’s.


Read a breakdown about this incident from Techcrunch >>


Facebook recently announced it will enhance efforts to warn users of posts containing misinformation that could lead to physical harm.


But when it comes time to stamp out lies and misinformation around the coronavirus pandemic -- much of it shared by the Trump administration or campaign -- will they actually take action?


The truth remains to be seen. We’ll be tracking the latest, stay tuned.

Thanks so much for keeping up,
The Protect the Investigation Team


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