Tom 2020 Logo
Dear friend, I’ve talked to friends and community leaders about the disproportionate impact COVID-19 has had on the African American community. Higher death rates and small businesses collapsing amplify the racial disparity that already existed. My conscience won’t allow me to stand by while my neighbors suffer.

That is why I’m partnering with BET and United Way Worldwide to support their COVID-19 Relief Fund, which will provide critical support for the African American community. We know that when we join forces, our impact can be even greater. So starting today, I will match every donation this community makes to the relief fund, for the first $100,000 — I hope you’ll join me by making a donation today.
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BET has a strong legacy of advocating for African Americans, and United Way is deeply embedded in 95% of communities across the country. Their combined effort will work towards directly addressing the urgent needs caused by the pandemic — and those efforts will be led by community leaders working directly to service those needs.

Recent reports show that increased pollution density heightens the risk of coronavirus, so it is no wonder that the communities that have been corporate dumping grounds for years are suffering the worst of the pandemic. This, coupled with the fact that African Americans are often subjected to discrimination when it comes to health care, results in the stark numbers we are seeing.

From the abolitionist movement to the anti-lynching and civil rights movement, African Americans and other people of good conscience have centered us on the right side of history. I’ve often viewed African Americans as a key moral center of our country — it's time again for us to stand in support of our neighbors.

Please make a contribution to the BET + United Way COVID-19 Relief Fund today, and I will be proud to match it.

We can only fight back successfully when we come together and work toward a common goal. We must stand united, even while we are physically apart.

Thank you,
Please visit for information and resources to help slow the spread of COVID-19 and prevent infection. Follow CDC guidelines, including social distancing to avoid large groups and unnecessary contact with others, and adhere to instruction from your local and state elected officials.

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Tom Steyer 2020 · PO Box 626 · San Francisco, CA 94104 · USA