Chuck Schumer has admitted that Minnesota will be one of the key states in order for Democrats to take over the Senate in 2020. Now, to ensure Democrats elect ultra-liberal Tina Smith and take the Senate Majority, he’s pouring money into Minnesota in support of his handpicked candidate.
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Chuck Schumer has admitted that Minnesota will be one of the key states in order for Democrats to take over the Senate in 2020.

Now, to ensure Democrats elect ultra-liberal Tina Smith and take the Senate Majority, he’s pouring money into Minnesota in support of his handpicked candidate.

We can’t wait any longer to fight back, or we’ll lose the Majority. Trump-Endorsed Republican Jason Lewis needs your support in the fight to FLIP MINNESOTA RED and defend the Senate Majority. 

We can’t let Schumer and his far-Left cronies win. Now, more than ever, it is critical that we support a strong Conservative voice like Jason Lewis for Minnesota’s Senate seat.  
Do your part, give any amount today to stop Schumer’s momentum in Minnesota:

Give $250
Give $150
Give $100
Give $75

Give $50
Give $25
Another Amount

Here’s the truth: Republicans are not raising enough to go up against the Democrats this November. That means we need ALL hands on deck if we’re going to stop Schumer from buying Minnesota’s Senate seat and hijacking the Senate Majority in November. 


Chuck Schumer’s liberal donors are bankrolling their Democrat candidates, and they’re raising money fast. That’s why we need your help. Do your part today, John, by making a contribution of any size. 


Paid for by Jason Lewis for Senate

Jason Lewis for Senate
PO Box 4515
St. Paul, MN 55104

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