Hello — I’ll make this quick. 

Our April fundraising deadline is in two days and we’re well short of where we need to be to ensure our grassroots campaign has the resources to fight back against GOP attacks and flip this Senate seat. 

Everyone, from our Republican opponent and his right-wing billionaire backers to corporate lobbyists in Washington, is hoping we fail here. Falling short on our fundraising goals is exactly the kind of thing that could invite more attacks from McConnell’s dark money network. 

Even though we’ve canceled our in-person fundraising events during this pandemic, I am convinced we can catch up on our goals if grassroots supporters like you step up before the deadline: 

Please, will you make a contribution of $10 or more before our April fundraising deadline on Thursday? I’m not taking any money from corporate PACs, so the only way we can hit this goal is if you chip in: 

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

I know I can count on you. I always have. 

Thanks in advance, 

— John