Friend --

The United States landed men on the moon on July 20, 1969 -- an incredible achievement.? For years, Americans have recited Gene Kranz's famous words "failure is not an option!"? uttered while organizing the successful rescue of the crew of Apollo 13.

Now what?

As we speak, two American astronauts are being held hostage on the space station, unable to return due to the failure of the Boeing Corporation's Starliner program.??

What happened to America's standards of excellence?

Will the US accept the offer of the Russian space program to bring our astronauts home?

Why is militarizing space a very bad idea if we look to collaboration among nations in space?

New York Symposium, August 23 , 2024, 8:00 PM

Stranded in Space! The Effects of Shareholder Values

--Diane Sare

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