By Mark Gruenberg

WASHINGTON—Even as the coronavirus pandemic still rages through the U.S., the debate over the shape of society and the economy, post-virus, is heating up.
On one side, with the weight of wealth, clout, and the ruling Republican White House, are corporate and right-wing interests that want to take the country back to the days of a small ruling class lording it over – and subjugating – everyone else.
And they want to do it now, with red-state governors, notably in Georgia and Florida, already reopening their states, in defiance of health warnings about social distancing and avoiding crowds.
On the other side are organized progressives, including labor and its many allies, progressive lawmakers, many, but not all, Democrats, and, on the left, groups like DSA and the CPUSA. They want to come out of this continental and global crisis with an economy and a society that works for all, not the few. And for some of them, if that means “socialism,” as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. – a key roadblock – insultingly and snidely calls it, so be it....