Fellow Conservative — Do you remember Wendy Davis and Beto O'Rourke?

Those two radical liberals who want to take your guns, open our border, and provide abortion on demand?

Well, they're back. Except they're not running for office this time. Instead, they partnered up with Chuck Schumer and George Soros to launch dark-money PACs and "voter registration" efforts to make Texas into a dark-blue Democrat dystopia.

Beto and Wendy already endorsed my opponent. So I'm asking for your help, Fellow Conservative. I'm looking for 500 supporters to donate $10 each to help my campaign against Wendy, Beto, Schumer, Soros... They're all coming after me!

Use this secure donation link to chip in $10 (or more if you can) → secure.chip.roy/donate/wendy-beto

Senator Ted Cruz already said these same liberal Democrats plan to spend up to $150 million against him. That, plus the record-breaking $500 million flood of cash into the Kamala Harris campaign, means Democrats are spending BIG at the top of the ticket in Texas.

That liberal money will trickle to down-ballot campaigns like mine, Fellow Conservative Can you chip in $10 to stand up against those big money liberal interests?

You'll remember how close Senator Cruz's election was in 2018. We can't take ANYTHING for granted. Please, chip in a few dollars today.
CHIP IN $10→

For Texas,

Chip Roy
U.S. Congressman, TX-21

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