Slowing Job Growth Potential: Employers in California are reducing their hiring plans, with job openings declining sharply to levels last seen during the pandemic and even pre-pandemic in 2017. California faces growing challenges in reducing its high unemployment, which stands at 1.5 unemployed persons per job opening, compared to 0.8 nationally.
Preliminary Revisions Show Little Change in Job Estimates: The revision to the March 2024 nonfarm job estimate for California is minimal, with a modest upward adjustment of only 7,700 jobs. Some regions like the Bay Area saw downward adjustments.
CaliFormer Businesses: Companies, including Chevron, FreshRealm, and Google, continue to relocate operations out of California. The trend highlights businesses opting for lower-cost states or permanent telework solutions.
Sunsetting Green Jobs: California is witnessing a significant number of solar energy company closures, affecting the state’s green job market. Factors include elevated interest rates and shifting subsidy policies, raising concerns about the sustainability of relying on green energy jobs as the primary job source.
State Unemployment Insurance (UI) Fund Still Running on Debt: Despite the persistent need for unemployment insurance due to high unemployment, California's UI Fund remains in debt, with spending expected to outpace employer contributions in the coming fiscal years.