Call to Action: Stop Unregulated Hydrogen Blending in Southeast Portland

no new gas in memphis take action poster

Hi John,

We recently found out that NW Natural, the state’s largest fossil fuel company, has begun intentionally blending hydrogen into the gas system without any public outreach or specific oversight by regulators. The utility has started adding "turquoise" hydrogen into the gas mix in Southeast Portland, which increases exposure to health harms and safety risks while offering virtually no climate benefit. In particular, burning blends of hydrogen and methane can increase the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by up to six times compared to burning methane alone. NOx exposure can cause serious health effects, including asthma and increased chance of respiratory infections; NOx is also a precursor to fine particulate matter and ozone emissions, both of which harm the respiratory system.

These kinds of hydrogen blending projects are nothing more than a greenwashing stunt that will endanger the health and well-being of Portland residents. And this is hardly the first time that NW Natural has risked community health and safety in the name of a public relations effort. In 2022, the utility attempted a hydrogen blending pilot in Eugene. This project was put on permanent hold, citing the need for further community engagement due to strong backlash from the neighborhood association and community partners.

This time, with their Portland project, NW Natural devised a scheme to avoid scrutiny from regulators altogether. We need your help to demand that lawmakers stop this risky project until regulatory measures can be put in place. Taking action by customizing and sending this letter takes a few minutes and will let local leaders know we need them to protect our health and safety, and hold NW Natural accountable!

In solidarity for a clean energy future,

Aya + the Breach team