The facts that are the every form of wealth is dedicated to the improvement and advancement of the so-called common man. Capital, with negligible exceptions, is used for the orderly production and distribution of goods, 95 percent of which are consumed by those who claim to be disinherited.
–William Feather
August 22, 2024 Is Kamala Harris "Open Borders?
One of the funny aspects of the ongoing, never-ending immigration debate has been watching right-wingers, led by their leader Donald Trump, exclaim against President Biden for implementing a policy of “open borders.” Undoubtedly Trump and his right-wing acolytes are going to say the same thing about Kamala Harris. Why is that funny? Because it demonstrates that Trump and right-wingers live their lives in ...
The Political Matrix Sustains the Illusion of Freedom by John W. Whitehead
What you smell is the stench of a dying republic.Our dying republic.We are trapped in a political matrix intended to sustain the illusion that ...
The Real Education Litmus Test by Laurence M. Vance
The new Republican Party platform adopted last month at the Republican national convention in Milwaukee contains a section on education with ...
Is Kamala Harris a Communist?
by Jacob Hornberger and Richard M. Ebeling
In this week's Libertarian Angle, Jacob and Richard examine Donald Trump's allegation that Kamala Harris is a ...
Politics Has Become Our National Religion by John W. Whitehead
Politics has become our national religion. While those on the Left have feared a religious coup by evangelical Christians on the Right, the ...
Fiscal Insanity by Laurence M. Vance
Created in 1973, the Republican Study Committee (RSC) serves as the conservative caucus of House Republicans. Its purpose is “to bring like-minded House members ...
The Libertarian Angle Thursday, September 5, 2024
World Wide Web
Speaker: Jacob Hornberger and Richard M. Ebeling
The Libertarian Angle Thursday, September 12, 2024
World Wide Web
Speaker: Jacob Hornberger and Richard M. Ebeling
Online Conference: The Case for Open Borders Monday, September 30, 2024
World Wide Web
Speakers: Richard Ebeling, Jeffrey Tucker, Bryan Caplan, Donald Boudreaux, John Washington, Benjamin Powell, and Jacob Hornberger