Dear Name,

You’re receiving this email because you’re a valued member of our 'Abe-Team’—committed to defending democracy, one click and action at a time!

Think Pennsylvania will be crucial to the survival of our democracy? We do too! So, here’s a way to provide “concierge service” to Pennsylvania voters - to make sure they have access to the ballot box, that all votes are counted, and that there will be no excuse for interfering with the certification of the election results in Pennsylvania!

Our Partner, Promote The Vote PA, provides a wide range of services to Pennsylvania voters. We will make voters feel special by making it easier for them to vote and to make that vote count. Multiple remote and in-person actions are available!


💻Sign up HERE: ➡️

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Let’s equip Pennsylvania voters with everything they need to make their votes count!


The Union

Join The Union is a single-issue, pro-democracy coalition of grassroots volunteers and partner organizations working to save our country from the autocratic agenda of MAGA extremists. We’re citizens from all walks of life and all political views. We’ve put our differences aside to work together for this common goal. Join us!

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