Mid-August Article Summary

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Mid-August AVFCA Article Posts


In case you missed our articles published by A Voice for Choice Advocacy writers in the first half of this month, links are below...Be sure to sign up for AVFCA's Substack to get these weekly articles https://avoiceforchoice.substack.com or check our Blog https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/blog or our new Medium https://medium.com/@media_93416 or LinkedIn Channels https://www.linkedin.com/company/avoiceforchoice/


  Hair Loss and Thinning: Navigating Options After the Shock Subsides 

Losing your locks at a younger age than you might have expected can be disturbing. There are multiple reasons why this might happen, including stressful life events. Once the stress is alleviated, your hair will likely grown back. For other reasons, such as medical conditions or trauma, there are holistic measures (including herbs, minerals, vitamins, and diet) you can experiment with, as well as medical procedures and medications. There is no need to be stopped in your tracks; consider taking action now. 

AVFCA Blog:  https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/hair-loss-and-thinning/

Substack:  https://avoiceforchoice.substack.com/p/hair-loss-and-thinning-navigating


  Fulvic and Humic Acids: Should You Be Supplementing With “Old Dirt?”

It can be hard to notice the effects of taking a nutritional supplement. Is it doing something useful? Is it a waste of money, time, and hope for improvement? Yet, you may keep up this particular health routine regardless. Some vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, and herbs aren’t meant to give instant results; they have cumulative effects years later. Humic and fulvic acids, consumed by way of liquid mineral blends, have been known to give an “immediate hit” of energy, strength, and overall “get-up-’n-go. 

AVFCA Blog:  https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/fulvic-and-humic-acids/

Substack:  https://avoiceforchoice.substack.com/p/fulvic-and-humic-acids-should-you 


  Putting an End to Troublesome “B.O.”: Are Whole Body Deodorants the Answer?

Having strong body odor can be a challenging symptom to live with. While a quick fix solution may be to use deodorants, they often don’t work, and contain toxic chemicals harmful to your health. To make matters worse, “whole body deodorants” are being pushed to the public to seemingly take care of unwanted scents all over your body. Research shows that the source of unpleasant body odor often stems from the gut microbiome, having to do with your microbiota—bacteria, fungus, and cells. 

AVFCA Blog:  https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/putting-an-end-to-troublesome-b-o/

Substack:  https://avoiceforchoice.substack.com/p/putting-an-end-to-troublesome-bo


During the first half of August 2024, AVFCA brought awareness to specific observance days by sharing our original stories that matched these themes:


National Wellness Month: “Natural Antibiotics vs. Rx (Medical Prescriptions): Helping You Make an Informed Decision”


An introspective look at antibiotics: history, usage, complications, and natural sources. Antibiotic resistance poses a global health threat that we must be aware of in order to make the best possible choice if and when the time comes. Best practices to consider when taking prescription antibiotics are included. http://tinyurl.com/avfca-naturalantibiotics 


National Relaxation Day: “Heads-Up! The Commercially-Made Wine You Love to Drink Boasts a Cluster of Hidden Chemicals”

Wine certainly has its upsides and its downsides. Research shows commercially-made wine is loaded with pesticides and herbicides, including glyphosate. If you can tolerate the sugar content, and alcohol addiction isn’t an issue for you, consider consuming organic, biodynamic varieties that are also low in sulfites. http://tinyurl.com/madewine  


Our team also reads hundreds of articles each week, and those of interest are shared on our social media platforms.  However, once or twice a week, our team reads an article that is profound or shares a perspective that is new or from an expert that AVFCA feels should be highlighted.  These articles are shared on our Substack.


If you found this information helpful and appreciate the work A Voice for Choice Advocacy is doing, please support us by making a donation today.


Together we can make change happen!


Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]






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A Voice for Choice Advocacy
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