Dear Health Advocates, We are entering fall, and it's a sprint to the end of the year to advocate for what we want before the calendar turns. Last week, Families USA released a few materials regarding the Inflation Reduction Act and how it has and will continue to help Americans. First, we released a new insights blog on how the will continue to work on reducing the burden of high healthcare costs on Americans. Families USA also released a fact sheet on how Congress can continue to lower high costs through expanding the IRA even further.  Finally, we want to remind you all to please fill out our Save the Date for our annual Health Action Conference, which will be held in person this year in Washington, DC! Once you save the date, we'll be in touch to ask you to officially RSVP to help you secure your spot at HAC 2025. You can find more on all of this below, along with this week’s new opportunities and resources: