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End of the line for rail reopenings?

Hello Supporter

We were deeply disappointed last month when the Government announced it was cancelling the Restoring your Railway Fund - a fund we were instrumental in helping bring to life. This was especially disappointing as the fund had already enabled the reopening of two railway lines and seven new stations. 

The Dartmoor Line was the first to reopen in 2022 and the restored Northumberland Line will bring passenger trains back into service between Ashington and Newcastle later this year.

Rail is one of the greenest forms of transport and crucial to the economy, so growing the rail network is vital to economic growth and reducing carbon emissions. The Restoring Your Railway Fund was key to achieving this by getting much-needed lines and stations reopened.

That's why we're calling on the Government to reconsider its decision and to implement a nationwide programme of rail reopenings to help grow the network and bring all communities within reach of the railway and the benefits that provides. 

Read our new Restoring your Railway blog

Support rail freight

Our post has been transported by rail for almost 200 years. However, in July, Royal Mail announced that it was scrapping the last of its fleet of mail trains.

This deeply concerning decision undermines the huge economic and environmental benefits of rail freight, and could result in many more lorries congesting our roads and polluting our air.

Take action: save Royal Mail rail
We are calling on the Government, Royal Mail and the rail freight industry to work together to find a solution, and you can help. Add your name to our online postcard and we'll deliver your messages to Keith Williams (Chairman of Royal Mail and the Great British Railways Transition Team) before the mail trains make their final journeys in October.

More than 2,000 of you have already signed our postcard, so thank you. If you haven't signed it yet, please use the button below to add your name and let's show Royal Mail that our post belongs on the railways.
Add your name to our Royal Mail postcard
Goodbye till next time...

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