Help us hold this hypocritical Government to account.



An unprecedented 15 national temperature records have been broken this year.


Wildfires like the recent one in Greece are getting bigger and more frequent.


Yet the UK is pushing ahead with a huge expansion in oil and gas activity at a pace not seen since the Paris climate agreement in 2015.


That’s why we need your help to stop all new fossil fuel extraction, end oil and gas subsidies, and increase windfall taxes on climate criminals.


John, only the Green Party is committed to the bold action needed to tackle the interlinked climate and nature emergencies.


Our four MPs will work tirelessly over the course of this parliament to phase out fossil fuels, increase investment in home insulation and renewables, and speed up the transition to a greener, more liveable future.


The Climate Change Committee made clear the country is way off track to meet its targets because of the reckless conduct of the previous Government.


We must call out the hypocrisy of the new Labour Government claiming to be climate leaders whilst pushing ahead with more fossil fuels.


By becoming a Green Friend, John, you are helping us hold this Government to account. 


Are you in?

Our growing group of Green Friends make a monthly donation to make sure we can keep up with other parties and make our voice heard on important issues.

Thanks for your support.


The Green Party


Promoted by Chris Williams on behalf of The Green Party, both at PO Box 78066, London SE16 9GQ