It is disgraceful that Tim Walz
campaigned on the false notion that he went to war and claimed a
higher rank than he earned—for political gain.
In multiple campaign ads when he ran for Congress, Tim Walz claimed
a rank that he didn’t earn and alludes to going to war—when he didn’t.
When Walz’s unit received the call to war, he stayed home. Yet in a
political ad Walz uses a headline about the National Guard getting
called to war, deliberately creating the false perception that
he went to war. The ad claimed he was a soldier “who served
for two decades but ready when they attacked.” Not only was he not
ready when they attacked, Walz abandoned his unit when they went to

The Media
Spin Behind “Your Truth”
Watch “Your Truth,” the latest Language
Watch video brought to you by Restoration of America
When people claim to have their “own
truth” they make no sense. The truth is not open to individual
interpretation—it’s fact. It’s not “my” truth or “your” truth. It’s
“the truth” and anything else is an opinion.
This is the Left’s assault on our language, designed for political
gain—and it only stops when we become aware of the attack and push
In this new video series, we tackle the
Left’s top political buzzwords one-by-one to reveal the bias, lies,
and truth-twisting by the media.
Catch our latest episode on "your truth" here:

Weaver: What Republicans Need to Do to Win
Mark Weaver of
Communications Counsel joined Hayden Ludwig for an insightful
conversation about the current chaos overwhelming the political
sphere. Weaver explains the steps required for a Trump victory,
emphasizing the importance of focusing on issues Americans truly care
He breaks down
what can be expected of the Harris campaign in the coming months,
including the inevitability of continued political curve balls. Ludwig
and Weaver detail how conservatives should prepare to respond as they
march towards victory in November.
the full episode to gain valuable insight on the craziness surrounding
the upcoming election.

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