Service Industry Workers BBQ

Tomorrow, Wednesday, 8/21


Genesee Park (4316 S Genesee St)



Working in the restaurant industry is hard work. Let’s relax and have a little fun together before the summer is over.

This industry is tough, but so are we. We’re funny, we’re creative, we’re social. We form strong bonds with our coworkers and find ways to make the work a little more bearable. When we have each other’s backs, we can change our workplaces! When we change our workplaces, we can change the industry!

Join us on Wednesday, August 21st from 4-7pm at Genesee Park to blow off some steam and connect with other restaurant workers who understand the struggle and want to do something about it!

Pick up some resources about your rights in the workplace, hear from workers organizing for change, play some games, and enjoy some yummy food and drinks. 😎

Invite your co-workers, friends & family — all are welcome!

RSVP here!


Palestine Solidarity Tabling at Capitol Hill Light Rail

This Thursday, 8/22 

6:30 - 8:30pm

Join us at the Capitol Hill light rail station to build the movement for Palestine Liberation!

Let’s keep building the movement to cut ties with companies linked to Israel’s genocide. Come talk to people in our community about our consumer boycott campaign of the companies most active in the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

RSVP here!

No experience is required, training will be provided on site and you will be paired with experienced volunteers!


Socialist Educators Happy Hour

This Friday, 8/23

6 - 8pm


Educators from all over (Seattle, Renton, Highline, etc…) get together, chat politics, & share about struggles in their union. All union activists and socialists are welcome to attend.

Seattle Public Schools recently announced plans to close 20 Elementary schools starting in the 2025 school year. In one of the richest cities in the US, home to billionaires and some of the most profitable corporations in the world, this is an unacceptable and unconscionable attack on public education and our communities.

Join us for a discussion on how to fight back!

RSVP here.


Check out YOUR Chapter business page (

  • August 25th, 11:59PM: Bylaws amendments are due
  • September 3rd, 11:59PM: Resolutions are due
  • September 10th: Two week notice email.
  • September 21st, 11:59PM: Amendments are due.
  • September 22nd: Credentials sent out.
  • September 24th, 7-9PM: Business Meeting


resolutions form

bylaws changes
