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Oldham PPE, a massive team effort
A massive team effort in Oldham has played a significant role in ensuring Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) stocks have reached front line workers across the Borough. Read more

Recycling centre at Arkwright Street re-opening – check your number plate before going 
From this Saturday 2 May, Greater Manchester Combined Authority is reopening Arkwright Street household waste and recycling centre. The site will be open Monday to Sunday 8am to 6pm. 
Restrictions and new measures will be in place to protect the health and wellbeing of residents and staff. In order to control the number of vehicles accessing the centres at any one time, GMCA is introducing a traffic control system based on odd and even number plates. 

  • Centres will take bagged general waste only and for residents in Greater Manchester with proof of address 

  • Opening times will vary, and social distancing measures will be in place to protect visitors 

  • Traffic control system will be put in place to manage traffic 

Residents are advised to visit recycling centres only if absolutely necessary.  
For full information got to

Donate to the Oldham Coronavirus Emergency 
community response fund 

£12,000 has been raised so far as community groups and businesses are throwing their weight behind a campaign to raise money for the emergency community response to coronavirus. 
To donate go here or read more.

Tribute to Mike Doran 

Oldham Council Leader Sean Fielding has paid tribute to Mahdlo Youth Zone's CEO Mike Doran, who sadly passed away from coronavirus at the weekend. Read more
Local gardeners get busy growing vegetables for local people 
Growing for Oldham, including council staff, and those from partner organisations have been going the extra mile to help grow food for some of our most vulnerable residents. Read more 
Special delivery from Royal Mail Oldham  
Last week the streets of Oldham saw superheroes, footballers and children’s TV stars delivering post to residents. This was because staff from the Royal Mail Oldham delivery office decided to swap their usual uniforms for fancy dress to raise money and collect food donations for the Coronavirus effort.  
In total they raised £282 and collected a trolley full of long-life food that will be distributed to people in need. 

Ramadan At Home 
Ramadan 2020 will be a very different experience for Muslims all over the world during the lockdown. Due to social distancing acts of worship outside of the home have been suspended to stop the spread of the virus. 
To help with #RamadanAtHome the Muslim Council of Britain has created guidance, available in multiple languages, on how to worship safely this year. 

You can find more information on what Oldham Council is doing to work with local Mosque’s here. 

More info and advice  
Go to for a wide range of information, advice and support.


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Oldham Council · Civic Centre · West Street · Oldham, OL1 1UT · United Kingdom