Dear Friends,

NRCAT invites you to join us on Thursday, August 22 for a virtual panel discussion, Freedom Summer Conversation: Prison Labor and Prison Conditions, hosted by the Multifaith Initiative (MFI) to End Mass Incarceration. As a founding member of MFI, NRCAT is pleased to build on our collaboration for this important discussion, hosted by Johnny Perez, the Director of NRCAT's U.S. Prisons Program.

RSVP for the webinar that will be held on August 22nd at 6:30pm ET / 3:30pm PT.

Panelists will include Rev. Jimmie Hawkins, Presbyterian Church (USA)'s Advocacy Director of the Washington Office of Public Witness and the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations; Bianca Tylek, Founder and Executive Director of Worth Rises; and Kiana Calloway, a core member and former employee of VOTE (Voice of the Experienced) and advocate in Louisiana.

We look forward to joining with you for this time of community learning and sharing on the 22nd! RSVP today and invite others to join.

In community,
The NRCAT Team

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National Religious Campaign Against Torture
PO Box 91820
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