A dog sprinting after a tennis ball. A cow contentedly munching on grass. A pig savoring the feeling of cool mud on her skin.
Spending time with animals always brings me into the now. Into the present moment, exactly as it is.
Animals remind us that this moment holds so much.
August is National Make-A-Will Month—and including a gift to THL in your will or other estate plan is one of the best things you can do to keep fighting for farmed animals, even after our lifetimes.
Writing your will can be simple and straightforward. We’ve partnered with FreeWill, a free, easy-to-use online tool that allows you to quickly draft a legal will. It guides you through a series of decisions, including whether to include gifts to loved ones and charities of your choosing. You don’t need a lawyer—all you need is an internet connection!
If you do choose to include a gift to THL in your will or estate plan, and you let us know, you’ll unlock an immediate matching gift of up to $2,500! But almost 85% of the matching funds have been claimed already, so please don’t delay.
At The Humane League, we’re focused on creating sustainable change for animals. Systemic change. Change that will last. And that kind of change takes time.
But its impacts are being felt, in a very real way, by animals around the world—right now. By the egg-laying hen who finally has enough space to stretch her wings. By the mother pig who no longer has to suffer in a tiny gestation crate for the duration of her pregnancy. By all the animals who can breathe a little easier, in this moment.
This moment is powerful. What will you do with it?

Kalista Barter
SVP, Development |