Jack -- THE GREEN PARTY IS BACK ON THE BALLOT IN MISSOURI!The Missouri Secretary of State's office has just announced that the Missouri Green Party's ballot access petition campaign has succeeded. After nearly two years and thousands of volunteer hours, the Green Party once again will provide Missouri voters the opportunity to reject the corporate status quo, forever wars, and rampant corruption of the Democrats and Republicans. 14 Corporate-Free Green Party Candidates will appear on the ballot this November! Now is the time to volunteer and donate to help these candidates get elected.
Click Here to Register for September's online Statewide Monthly Elections Committee meeting on Wednesday, September 11th at 7:00pm to join the campaign.In Solidarity, Missouri Green Party Outreach People, Planet, and Peace Over ProfitMissouri Green Party is an independent political party serving the state of Missouri and is affiliated with Green Party of the United States (GPUS). We are a grassroots, volunteer-based, dues-paying organization engaged in electoral activity and social activism as a political vehicle for the working class. Our candidates never take money from corporations or rich individuals, so they actually represent the values and needs of our communities. |
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