We have a basic responsibility to protect animals from harm, deliver the essential care they need to thrive and provide the conditions they need to express their normal, healthy behaviors. That is the bare minimum that animals deserve.
But too many businesses, including puppy mills, roadside zoos and even laboratories, are failing to give animals this basic care. Even worse, many of these facilities are supposed to be monitored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to ensure this basic level of care is being provided, yet they continue to fail the animals in their care with no repercussions. That’s why we have to ask: Will you make a donation of $20 or more to the Humane Society Legislative Fund today so we can pass the Better CARE for Animals Act, protect vulnerable animals from exploitation and abuse and continue our work to protect all animals from harm?

We can’t let facilities that repeatedly violate the Animal Welfare Act continue to avoid accountability due to lack of enforcement. Animals in these facilities deserve better but instead are being denied veterinary treatment when they are visibly emaciated, sick, injured, or unable to walk. That’s why we need to pass the Better CARE for Animals Act now. The Humane Society Legislative Fund is working tirelessly to get this critical bill over the finish line in Congress, and we need your support.
The Better CARE for Animals Act would provide the necessary tools to allow better collaboration between the Department of Justice and Department of Agriculture in order to hold animal abusers accountable. This means faster intervention when animals are suffering.
We can’t afford to fall into inaction when we’re closer than ever to passing this urgently needed legislation, which would prevent the suffering of millions of animals. We need your help now, friend, so please: Will you make an urgent donation to HSLF today so we can pass the Better CARE for Animals Act, hold repeat AWA violators accountable and protect animals from senseless suffering?