Dear Revealer,

A question for you: How many episodes of Reveal have you listened to? Five? 500? 

Or how many times have you watched one of our documentaries or read our investigative news stories? 

It’s part of our mission to keep all of our journalism free and accessible to the public because we believe everyone should have access to the truth. But great journalism is anything but free to produce. It takes millions of dollars a year to make our work possible, and the truth is, it wouldn’t be possible without donations from our listeners, readers, and viewers.

Now is the perfect time to show your support: A board member just offered us a sorely needed match. We’ve only got about 48 hours to make the most of it but until Thursday, your gift of any amount will be doubled. 

I’ll be honest: During the summer months, our fundraising really slows down. But with your help, our team will have the time and the resources that it takes to unearth original stories and hold the powerful to account. We don’t do this work to make a profit, and we don’t answer to any outside interests. Our guiding principle is the public’s right to know, and we never back down—no matter who tries to silence us.

Double your impact

Please don't wait. Donate now.

Thank you!

Missa Perron
Membership Manager
Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting 

P.S. Please know that no gift is too small. What matters most is that you show your commitment to supporting our work by becoming a member with a contribution of any size today.

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