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Dear Fellow Republican,
Tomorrow is Election Day. It’s hard to believe that day is finally here, especially given how much my life has changed over the past few years.
Three years ago I was just a Dad in New York City. I never dreamed of moving to Florida. I never imagined running for office. But life is full of the unexpected, and the time for unexpected action is now.  Our nation’s future is at stake.
In the days and weeks after my Brearley letter went viral, I received nearly 5,000 emails from people all across the country. The most powerful messages all had something in common. They came from Americans whose families had escaped communism and come to the United States for freedom. 
Whether from the former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, China or Cuba, they all shared the same warning. America was turning into the communist countries that they and their families had fled. They never thought that would happen here in America, but it is happening.
I made a promise then that I would spend the rest of my life fighting to help save America, which is the last hope for Western Civilization. I really believe, deep down, that this election is our defining moment.
The same ideology that we personally experienced take over our daughter’s school in New York has taken over nearly all of the institutions of our country. It has taken over our K-12 education system, our colleges and universities, our media and large corporations, our legal and medical professions, our military and federal government. And it has thoroughly taken over the platform of the Democratic Party.
In tonight’s first night of the Democratic National Convention, we will witness their champions like Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton extol the merits of Venezuela-style economics and pronounce judgment on America for not embracing open borders.
Whether you call their ideology “wokeism” or “progressivism” or “leftism” or “social justice” the meaning is the same. It is a rejection of America’s founding values. It is a rejection of free speech. It is a rejection of free markets and capitalism. It is a rejection of meritocracy and individual rights. It is a rejection of objectivity – the idea that there is truth in the world, that there is right and wrong, and that there are two biological sexes. 
Reclaiming our values, taking back our institutions, and saving our country will not be easy, nor quick. This is a generational fight for the soul of America. But it’s not just my fight. It’s all our fight. Saving our great country is a team effort. 
Thank you for helping me stand up for what is right and for our shared American values. Please vote tomorrow, and together, let’s take back our country.


Andrew Gutmann

P.S. For the very first time, you can hear what happened at my daughter’s elite NYC school in her own words. If we lose our children to far-left ideology, we lose our country. I hope you will watch the video below and vote for me tomorrow.
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