From Fire Louis DeJoy <>
Subject Time is running out to get rid of Louis DeJoy
Date August 19, 2024 9:32 PM
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Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has been an absolute disaster from the
moment Donald Trump appointed him, with on-time delivery rates crashing
and postage rates skyrocketing.^1,2

Yet despite bipartisan criticism from Congress and his bosses at the
Postal Service Board of Governors, DeJoy just published a defiant op-ed in
The Washington Post doubling down on his plans to keep jacking up rates
while shutting down post offices and eliminating jobs.^3

Louis DeJoy simply cannot be trusted to run the U.S. Postal Service
(USPS), especially during the fast-approaching 2024 presidential election,
when millions of Americans will vote by mail.

[ [link removed] ]Will you donate $10 to Demand Progress Action to support
our work, including our campaign to finally get rid of Louis DeJoy as U.S.
Postmaster General?

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The USPS is supposed to be a public service that Americans can count on to
deliver important documents reliably and on time.

It's particularly vital for people living in rural and indigenous
communities, where broadband is scarce and for-profit companies won't
deliver because they don't think they can make enough of a profit.^4

But DeJoy, a former logistics company CEO, doesn't believe in providing
public service. He thinks the post office should be run like a
profit-seeking business. That's why he's slashed hours for rural workers
and rolled out a plan to close post offices and sorting centers, forcing
mail carriers to travel farther to pick up the mail.^5,6

As a result, Americans have experienced chronic delays affecting the
delivery of passports, utility bills, prescription drugs, and important
legal documents. And in just a few weeks, DeJoy's delays could very well
affect the U.S. presidential election, with millions of Americans relying
on the USPS to vote by mail.^7

That's why we're ramping up the pressure on the Postal Service Board of
Governors to take action now. Louis DeJoy must be fired, and we can't
afford to delay another moment.

[ [link removed] ]Will you donate $10 to Demand Progress Action and support
our work, including demanding the removal of Louis DeJoy as USPS
Postmaster General?

With gratitude,

The team at Demand Progress Action

[ [link removed] ]DONATE

1. Government Executive, "As USPS institutes network reforms, mail
delivery hits a 3-year low," [ [link removed] ]February 22, 2024.
2. Associated Press, "Post Office wants to hike stamp prices for 5th time
in 3 years to make up for 'defective' pricing system," [ [link removed] ]April 9, 2024.
3. The Washington Post, "We’re fixing the Postal Service. We can’t stop
now.," [ [link removed] ]July 8, 2024.
4. Vox, "If the US Postal Service fails, rural America will suffer the
most," [ [link removed] ]April 16, 2020.
5. The American Prospect, "Rural Letter Carriers Complain About
Dramatically Reduced Pay," [ [link removed] ]April 21, 2023.
6. Salon, "DeJoy moves to consolidate USPS facilities," [ [link removed] ]August 28,
7. National Conference of State Legislatures, "When States Mail Out
Absentee/Mail Ballots," [ [link removed] ]January 3, 2024.

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