Episode 213 uploaded August 18: Sam Goldman discusses recent developments including Project 2025 Phase 2, the
efforts of Republi-Fascists to subvert elections and the Democratic
National Convention’s approach to combating fascism (is it weird or is
it fascism?)
Then Sam welcomes Sian Norris back on the show to discuss the fascist riots
in the UK that targeted asylum seekers and Muslims following a lethal
mass stabbing in Southport England.

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Sian Norris: The far right has been on the rise in the UK for the last decade. This is a networked movement. It coalesces around a shared ideology. These powerful, influential voices stoke up hate; share disinformation. The far right coalesces around an ideology that can be sparked into real life street violence by an inciting moment. That kind of interconnectedness is happening on their side, and it's why we absolutely need a global movement of Anti-Fascist solidarity.
Sam Goldman on what's "weird": isn't it weird that the fascists have been able to implement so many key parts of their program, from ending the right to abortion to shutting down the border to eroding the power to enforce basic rules and regulations, even while the Dems are in power, mainly via the Supreme Court? Another question, is it going to feel weird when fascists continue to change state laws to manipulate the vote? How weird will it feel when the Supreme Court entertains batshit challenges to the results if they pull a Bush v Gore, like in 2000 when they still cared about maintaining legitimacy? How weird is it that the leaders of the January 6 coup attempt have never faced repercussions ...

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