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We need a huge number of donations to the DNC before the Democratic National Convention begins. Can you rush a contribution to the DNC? We’ll explain more in a moment:
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It’s a big day.
The 2024 Democratic National Convention kicks off today in Chicago, and we’re hoping for an event that moves us toward victory for Democrats in November.
But Republicans know how important this week is to us, as well.
That means Trump and his allies will do just about anything they can to get in the way. They’ll ramp up their desperate attacks. They’ll continue blanketing swing states’ airwaves with ads against Democrats. You’re probably seeing some of this already -- especially if you live in a swing state.
And the unfortunate truth is that they’ll probably see a huge surge in fundraising, too.
That’s why we’re asking for your help right now.
As the convention begins, can Democrats across the country count on you to pitch in to support the DNC? Your contribution today will help us make sure we’ve got the resources to respond to anything Republicans do this week.
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This is a historic moment and we need a historic level of support. Thank you in advance for donating today.
The Democrats
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