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The newly-elected leader of Ukip has been criticised after footage emerged of him arguing it should be illegal to publicly distribute the Qur'an in the UK
and that some British towns are no-go areas for non-Muslims.
The man suspected of shooting at people inside a Norwegian mosque on Saturday, and of killing his stepsister, has appeared in court with black eyes and
wounds on his face and neck.
The Australian rugby player Israel Folau's unfair dismissal case against Rugby Australia and the New South Wales Waratahs will head to trial in February 2020
if no settlement is reached beforehand.
A group of civil society organisations based in Brussels has written to Pakistan's prime minister Imran Khan to express concern over the country's blasphemy
The new docuseries The Family looks at the role of The Fellowship Foundation, the Evangelical group behind the US's national prayer breakfast, and its
ability to broker power.
More than 220 former altar boys, students and Boy Scouts are suing the US territory of Guam's Catholic archdiocese over sexual assaults by 35 clergy,
teachers and scoutmasters, hoping to finally see justice.
As opposition to compulsory worship gathers and its defenders grow increasingly out of touch, Alastair Lichten says ministers should reconsider the law and
its implementation.
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