A message to XRUK from Dr Gail Bradbrook about the work of XR Being the Change

Hello John,

XR Being the Change began in 2022 as a project to bring together a growing network of communities of resistance in unifying people's power to win true planet repairs. Gail Bradbrook, one of the co-founders of Extinction Rebellion, wishes to share an update on the work that they have been undertaking since, and how you can find out more.


Thank you for your many ways of offering service to life and the generations to come.


I have spent the last few years thinking and feeling with others about the predicament humanity is in and what it might take to help change our course, even as things fall to pieces. 


I want to invite you to join us in the journey - please let us know you are interested in our work called XR Being the Change so that we can keep you updated.

With my fellow co founders, Nils Agger and Stu Basden, and the co founder of XR Youth, Robin Ellis-Cockcroft, we have been in deep dialogue with our majority world family, Kofi Mawuli Klu and Esther Xosei who co founded XR Internationalist Solidarity Network, Kobina Amokwandoh of Global Majority Versus and Skeena Rathor, who started our XR vision team and has been exploring what co liberation means. 


A Just Transition cannot be achieved without solidarity with the struggles of our family in the global south. Co liberation change making involves repair on many levels and an “overstanding” of these times as the systematisation of separation and harm.


For updates on our XR Being the Change including the programmes we are bringing this autumn please join our network.

With love, peace and a longing for repair,
