“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old,

but on building the new.”

- Socrates

Taking this week to give you my sincerest thanks for the time you spend reading the Rundown. My vision for this newsletter was simple: to communicate the ongoings at the legislature and create a space that would foster a sense of community to connect people with the various causes and issues they care about. I wasn’t sure where this would take me or how it would be received, but I must say I am delighted when someone tells me that they enjoy reading it every Sunday night. Writing this is a labor of love - an imperfect one at that! - but something I have found great joy in doing.

During the next few weeks of interim, I am going to be changing up the frequency and focus of the Rundown. Instead of weekly, you will be receiving them biweekly, and each Rundown will be centered on an important issue. Tentatively, the following weeks will highlight:

  • Housing and Homelessness

  • Arizona’s Game-changing $12 billion+ Environment & Energy Programs

  • Understanding The 13 Propositions On Your Ballot

My goal is that this newsletter can reflect the issues and events that matter most to our community. However, I can’t be everywhere and never pretend to know everything, so I welcome your ideas, stories, and suggestions. Whether there's an event happening in your neighborhood, a topic you're passionate about, or a voice that deserves to be heard, I’d like to learn and help share it. Together, we can continue to shape this space into something truly meaningful and impactful.

With kindness,


Your Townhall Invitation